The idea is to position yourself as strongly as possible so that you will be in a position of maximum power in the event of a lawsuit. It is intended that you control your financial course. It is not to have a cunning lawyer set up a maze of legal traps for you in front of an unknown man posing as a judge.
To accomplish this, you must arrange your affairs so that a judge is not legally permitted to take what is rightfully yours and give it to someone else. Whether you like it or not, this frequently entails using legal resources in countries where asset protection is valued more highly than in your own. Often, this entails applying the legal frameworks of other respectable nations. Many of them have created legislation that benefits people who have been the target of frivolous lawsuits.
The courts consider several variables before deciding whether or not your assets are protected. First of all, it is ineffective to fraudulently transfer assets to third parties after being informed that a lawsuit is imminent or after you have already received legal notice of one. It won’t be a pleasant occasion if you transfer your possessions to Mommy or the kids since you don’t know how to protect them. To reclaim the assets, the plaintiff’s lawyer will merely file a lawsuit against Mom, Bobby, or Susie.